Growing up in the UK, Lou moved to Australia in 2010 and never looked back. It was here that her passion for fitness grew from a hobby into a career.
Lou has three brothers and was naturally very competitive and sporty through school. She continued playing football (soccer to you Aussies) into her late teens, but gave it all up when she went travelling and then onto university. This is where she first ventured into the gym, she was (like many women) a dedicated cardio bunny and had no idea of (and was intimidated by) the benefits of resistance training and the weights room.
Lou has been working in the fitness industry for over a decade coaching women at all life stages from teens, to postpartum and most recently focusing on perimenopausal and menopausal clients. She takes a holistic approach to health through training, nutrition and lifestyle adaptations to help women become strong, confident and find their fabulous through training and nutrition.
Outside of work, Lou spends as much time as possible at the beach and with her dog, Thelma. Yes, you've got it 'Thelma and Louise'.

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